Have a Heart to Donate
Deep inside, we all have a heart that wants to give back to the society. We all feel an urge to help when we see someone in compromising situation. No amount of help is small as even tiny steps finally leads to the destination. We all can play our own roles in making the change in someone's life. You can donate / volunteer and be an important part of this 'Spread Happiness' Campaign.
Donate Generously Online
Now you can easily donate using the below online payment methods.
Scan the All-In-One Paytm QR Code and donate instantly by any mode.
Pay Online using below Bank Account Details.
Account Name: ULHAS INDIA Bank and Branch: AXIS BANK LTD. (Kavi Nagar, Ghaziabad) Account No.: 920020039244470 IFSC Code: UTIB0004064